Who is SlavicWorship?

SlavicWorship is an association of like-minded Christians with professional and/or practical experience in worship ministry. Our focus is to create environments where people encounter God’s truth and love through Christ-empowered worship. We specialize in worship training through conferences, seminars, and mentoring, as well as creating and distributing resources for worship ministry.

Our Mission:

Create Environments where Slavic People

Encounter God's Truth and Love through Christ-empowered Worship

We achieve this mission through three key strategies:

  • Teaching biblical theology of worship,
  • Training practical ministry skills,
  • and Providing worship tools and resources.

We not only engage in ministry ourselves, but we partner together with others in ministry, side by side, so that we can equip them to do ministry as well. Through this collaborative approach, we have seen God work through us to transform lives in exponential ways.

We encourage our team and those we lead to look for and create environments where Slavic people encounter God's truth and love through Christ-empowered worship.

Our Biblical Premise

Our foundational premise is based on the following Biblical absolutes: As a believer...

  • Who I am is defined by Christ living in me. (1 Jn 3:1, Gal 4:7)
  • What I do is empowered by Christ working through me. (Gal 2:20, Col 2 & 3)
  • Allowing Christ to work through me is transformational worship. (Rom 12:1 & 2)

It is from these Biblical absolutes that we understand that Christ-empowered worship transforms lives.

Our Projects

The strategies to accomplish our mission are framed within three main initiatives: Nurturing Leaders, Inspiring Churches, and Developing Worship Resources. We nurture leaders through one-on-one mentoring and collective training programs. We invest in key churches in order to model Christ-empowered worship. This inspires them to develop worship in their own churches as well as influence other churches. We produce worship materials in order to provide the resources needed by these growing worship ministries. We currently have three main projects in order to accomplish these strategies.

  • Fine Arts Day Camp (FADC)

    Fine Arts Day Camp for children is a week long program emphasizing that God is the Great Creator who created us in His image. In this program children explore different facets of creativity through classes in Bible, singing, acting, choreography, stage design and art. Throughout the week children prepare a musical production that is performed as an outreach to their friends and family.

  • Soli Deo Gloria (SDG)

    The Soli Deo Gloria Worship Conference (SDG) is a high level conference focused on training pastors and worship leaders and their teams of musicians, sound technicians, song writers, stage designers and others. They are taught about Biblical worship and how to lead effective worship ministries in their churches.

    The SDG conference is a time to model, inspire and gain new creative ideas for worship ministry. The participants are taught about Biblical worship and practical techniques in how to lead effective worship ministries. This is also a great time of fellowship and encouragement.

  • Song and Training Resources

    In Russia there are very few places where you can find worship music for church worship teams. RussiaWorship provides legal quality song translations of worship songs and hymns and also musicals and worship songs for children. We also are seeking Russian original worship songs to make available to churches. You can find these songs on our website RussiaWorship.ru. Many of these songs have been recorded and are also available on iTunes. Click HERE to listen to song samples.

    We also have training articles and other creative resources on our website.